921 U9580
- 3 學分
電機工程學研究所 / 生醫電子與資訊學研究所
選修- 王 凡
- 搜尋教師開設的課程
電機資訊學院 電機工程學系
- 四 7, 8, 9
1 類加選
修課總人數 140 人
本校 140 人
- 中文授課
- 核心能力與課程規劃關聯圖
- 備註
載入中- 課程概述Operating systems (OS) are the lowest-level software between computer architecture and the other software. It is only via operating systems, users and other programs can access the underlying hardware functions. The evolution of OS has brought about most of the software technology that we know of today. Thus, the knowledge we learned from an OS course is actually a snapshot of the whole computer technology and serves inspiration for solutions to all technical challenges that we may see in the careers of IT professionals.
- 課程目標(1) Learning the fundamentals of OS; (2) Gaining a snapshot of advanced and developing technology in OS. (3) Experimenting with OS via projects for rewriting and implementing parts of OS code.
- 課程要求Pre-requisites: (1) Basic Computer Concepts, (2) C/C++ or Java programming, (3) Data-Structures (recommended but not necessary) (4) Algorithms (recommended but not necessary) Evaluation: (1) Final exam (40%) on Dec. 21, 2023. Closed book, closed internet, no note sheet. o final exam samples: fall 2022, fall 2019, fall 2018, fall 2017, fall 2015, fall 2014, fall 2013 o midterm exam samples: fall 2014, fall 2013. o 80% of the points are for variations of problems from the exercises in the textbook. o 20% of the points are from papers surveyed in the midterm reports of the students this year. (2) Mid-term report (30%), deadline on Oct. 26, 2023 o must submit the topic to TA for confirmation by Sept. 21, 2023. § Website for paper and topic registration: o TA and the teacher may suggest changes to the topics. o must confirm the topics by Sept. 28, 2023. o must turn in the report in 10-mins powerpoint presentation and videos (MP4) to the TA via NTU COOL. o The topic must be the comparison and survey report on three papers technologically related to one of the chapter in the textbook. § One of the paper must be a regular paper published in o ACM SOSP 2021, ACM ISCA 2023, IEEE ICPP 2022, ACM POPL 2023, or ACM PODC 2023. o No short paper, no tool paper, and no paper from affiliated workshops. o 2 other papers can be published elsewhere. § The presentation PPT file must be in English and is evaluated as follows. o 20% on background before the work. o 20% on the motivation. o 20% Techniques of the work. o 20% Experiment interpretation. o 20% Writing. (3) Projects (30%) 1. Multi-Programming: announcement on Sept. 21, 2023. Submission deadline on Oct. 19, 2023. 2. CPU scheduling: announcement on Oct. 19, 2023. Submission deadline on Nov. 16, 2023. 3. Memory management: announcement on Nov. 16, 2023. Submission deadline on Dec. 14, 2023.
- 預期每週課後學習時數
- Office Hour
- 指定閱讀
- 參考書目待補
- 評量方式
- 針對學生困難提供學生調整方式
- 課程進度