848 M1200
- 1 學分
選修- 楊毓琪
2 類加選
修課總人數 30 人
本校 30 人
- 英文授課
- 核心能力與課程規劃關聯圖
- 備註初選不開放。本課程以英語授課。與陳雅美合授
載入中- 課程概述This course provides an overview of the configurations of the long-term care continuum from the macro perspectives of health policy, organization, financing, and delivery to the micro perspective of older adults. A framework for studying the long-term care continuum is introduced and used to identify the challenges and opportunities related to interventions. This course aims to analyze the demographics of aging, the role of financing, the evolving marketplace, and the essential components of the long-term care continuum. It also touches upon an international long-term care systems comparison among Taiwan, Singapore, and the United States. Despite the aging crisis and the challenges surrounding long-term care, quality of care is possible. Topics related to this are examined through two debates, one that analyzes the sustainability of long-term care financing in Taiwan and the other that analyzes family intervention in meeting long-term care needs. 本課程旨在分析長期照顧連續性照顧的重要組成部分,重點關注高齡化人口統計,失能程序變化,財務角色, 市場的發展,以及照顧計劃和服務, 以及如何滿足老年人的個人需要。從衛生政策,組織,融資和交付的宏觀角度以及老年人的微觀視角, 著眼於我們目前的長期照顧的連續性照顧的配置。包括一個研究長期照顧連續性照顧的框架用於確定與介入有關的挑戰和機會以及台灣,新加坡,美國的跨國比較。儘管存在衰老危機和長期護理方面的挑戰,但是有品質長照還是可能的。通過兩次辯論探討與此相關的主題; 其中一項辯論分析台灣長期照顧護保險籌資的可持續性, 另一個辯論分析家庭協助以滿足長期護理需求的可行性。
- 課程目標Upon completion of this course the student will be able to… 完成本課程後,學生將能夠...... Describe and analyze basic concepts related to long-term care services, insurance, and key elements contributing to long-term care costs. 描述和分析長期照顧服務,長照保險的基本概念和造成長保險費用高漲的基本要素。 Describe and critique conceptual frameworks of the long-term care continuum and explain how these models assist in understanding the dynamics of aging, disabilities, and opportunities for functional independence interventions. 描述和批判長期照顧連續性照顧的概念框架,並解釋這些模式如何幫助理解老齡化,失能和功能喪失,以及提升老人獨立和自主。 Describe the impact of demographics and the changing nature of family relationships on long-term service delivery programs. 描述人口統計學以及家庭關係的改變對長期服務輸送計劃的影響。 Define the major physical, mental, and psychosocial changes and health problems that accompany aging and their applicability to long-term care programs. 定義伴隨老化主要身體,心理和社會心理變化和健康問題及其適用的長期照顧服務的。 Identify the components of a continuing care retirement community (CCRC) and other options that foster aging in place. 分析長期照顧退休設區及其他促進在地老化功能的服務模式。 Examine palliative and end-of-life care options and the choices surrounding advance medical directives. 評估老人臨終末期長照的選擇及醫療照顧服務的決擇。 Discuss the trends affecting the long-term care system today, those likely to shape its future. 討論影響當今長期照顧體系的趨勢和其未來可能的影響。
- 課程要求Students must be working on their master or doctorate degree, or currently working as a public health professional.
- 預期每週課後學習時數
- Office Hour
- 指定閱讀
- 參考書目1.Dan Buettner: How to live to be 100+? https://www.ted.com/talks/dan_buettner_how_to_live_to_be_100?utm_campaign=tedspread--a&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=tedcomshare. Accessed 06-10-2020.
- 評量方式
- 針對學生困難提供學生調整方式
- 課程進度