602 20310
- 3 學分
必帶- 許少瑜
- 搜尋教師開設的課程
生物資源暨農學院 生物環境系統工程學系
- 三 2, 3, 4
2 類加選
修課總人數 57 人
本校 57 人
- 中文授課
- 核心能力與課程規劃關聯圖
- 備註英語授課
- 修課限制
載入中- 課程概述This course is an introduction to the methods of mathematical physics used in the environmental and hydrologic sciences. It is presented in the context of basic mathematical methods and their application in the environmental and hydrologic contexts. The lecture introduces ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and vectors. Both analytical and numerical methods of solution of differential equations are introduced. Analytical solutions 1. First-order ODEs 2. Second-order Linear ODEs 3. Higher Order Linear ODEs 4. System of ODEs (Eigenvalue Problems for Systems of ODEs) Series Solutions 5. Series Solutions of ODEs (Special Functions) Transforms 6. Laplace Transforms Some of the contents in the below chapters are merged into chapters 1 to 6 Linear algebra 7. Matrices, Vectors, Determinants, Linear system 8. Eigenvalue and Eigenvectors 9. Vector differential and integral calculus (Optinal) Numerical methods 20. Numeric Linear Algebra (20.6 – 20.8) 21. Numerics for ODEs (21.1 – 21.3)
- 課程目標Primarily introduces analytical methods for solving commonly used mathematical equations in the fields of physics and engineering. Cultivates students' abilities to interpret and handle mathematical equations in their professional fields.
- 課程要求Calculus
- 預期每週課後學習時數
- Office Hour
- 指定閱讀Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Tenth Edition, Wiley
- 參考書目Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Tenth Edition, Wiley
- 評量方式
Final - 針對學生困難提供學生調整方式
調整方式 說明 上課形式 以錄影輔助
作業繳交方式 延長作業繳交期限
其他 由師生雙方議定
- 課程進度
9/6第 1 週 9/6 Introduction 9/13第 2 週 9/13 Linear 1st order ODEs (modeling, separation variables, Euler’s method) 9/20第 3 週 9/20 Linear 1st order ODEs (Linear Equ., Exact Equ., Bernoulli Equ.) 9/27第 4 週 9/27 Linear 2nd ODEs with constant coefficients (homogeneous ODE, non-homogeneous ODE, Mass-Spring System) 10/4第 5 週 10/4 Linear 2nd ODEs with constant coefficients (non-homogeneous ODE, Resonance) 10/11第 6 週 10/11 Midterm 10/18第 7 週 10/18 System of Linear ODEs (Eigenvalue, Eigenvector, system ODEs with constant coefficients) 10/25第 8 週 10/25 System of Linear ODEs (homogeneous and nonlinear) 11/1第 9 週 11/1 Linear 2nd ODEs with variable coefficients and serious solutions (special functions) I 11/8第 10 週 11/8 Linear 2nd ODEs with variable coefficients and serious solutions (special functions) II 11/15第 11 週 11/15 No class 校慶停課 11/22第 12 週 11/22 Midterm 11/29第 13 週 11/29 Laplace transform (Linearity, first shifting theory, derivatives and integrals) 12/6第 14 週 12/6 Laplace transform (Unit step function, Heaviside function, second shifting theory) 12/13第 15 週 12/13 Laplace transform (convolution, solve ODEs) 12/20第 16 週 12/20 Final