
112-2 開課異動
  • 流水號


  • 課號


  • 課程識別碼

    222 D3530

  • 無分班

  • 3 學分
  • 選修

    物理學研究所 / 量子計算與資訊學程

    • 物理學研究所

    • 量子計算與資訊學程

  • 管希聖
  • 四 2, 3, 4
  • 無地點資訊

  • 2 類加選

  • 修課總人數 20 人

    本校 20 人

  • 無領域專長

  • 中文授課
  • 核心能力與課程規劃關聯圖
  • 備註
  • 本校選課狀況

  • 課程概述
    Quantum computing is an entirely new paradigm of computation. It utilizes the fundamental properties of quantum mechanics to process data in ways that offer significant speedups for a variety of problems. Progress for this technology over the last few years has been rapid. This course of “Quantum Computing Experiment and Implementation” combines both the laboratory and practical implementation components for quantum computing. It will introduce the physical systems of some quantum computing devices and discuss how they are operated. This course will enable students to measure some key physical properties of and to implement simple quantum algorithms on the quantum computing devices.
  • 課程目標
    The course is a critical element for students to learn and understand both hardware and software components of quantum computing. Studentsin this course not only learn about the theory, but also perform experiments on real quantum computing machines. Students will gain hand-on experiences in operating (a) 2-qubit quantum computing device based on nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond (like PC’s) (b) 2-qubit quantum computing device based on Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) (like PC’s) (c) IBM-Quantum multi-qubit quantum computers based on superconducting Josephson junction devices (remote access, like operating a main frame computer)
  • 課程要求
    The recommended prerequisite course for this course is "Introduction to Quantum Computation and Information" (offered in the Spring semester) because some contents and quantum algorithms that had been taught in the Introductory course will not be repeated in the "Quantum Computing Experiment and Implementation" course, and students will be directly engaged in conducting the experiments and implementations.
  • 預期每週課後學習時數
    3 hours
  • Office Hour
    Teaching Assistants 1. Ying-Chang LU (呂英樟) Mobil: 0907689678 Email: f10245020@g.ntu.edu.tw 2. Fa-Hua CHEN (陳法華) Mobil: 0933169705 Email: r12222008@ntu.edu.tw
  • 指定閱讀
    For the contents not covered in the prerequisite course of "Introduction to Quantum Computation and Information", lectures will be given before the experiments and implementations are conducted. Each experiment or implementation comes with an instruction manual.
  • 參考書目
  • 評量方式
    Conduction of experiments and submission of experiment reports
    Final Exam
    Final examination on the experiments and lectures covered in this semester
  • 針對學生困難提供學生調整方式
  • 課程進度