
113-1 開課
  • 流水號


  • 課號


  • 課程識別碼

    Q01 M0320

  • 班次 01
  • 3 學分
  • 選修


    • 寫作教學中心

  • 李維晏
  • 二 7, 8, 9
  • 博雅312

  • 2 類加選

  • 修課總人數 17 人

    本校 15 人 + 外校 2 人

  • 無領域專長

  • 中文授課
  • 備註
  • 修課限制
    • 限碩士班以上限工學院學生(含輔系、雙修生)限電資學院學生(含輔系、雙修生)

  • 本校選課狀況

  • 課程概述
    學習如何閱讀英文期刊文章、透過分析已出版之工科期刊文章,學習撰寫文步及慣用英文寫作表現、練習如何在三分鐘口頭報告裡有效地傳達研究之重點、特色與成果。 本課程將增加AI工具介紹與應用,協助同學加強閱讀的速度與寫作表現 。
  • 課程目標
    此類課程使用本中心研究團隊所研發的教材,內容著重在分析整理一般學術論文寫作的文步與寫作特性。此課程將幫助同學: 1. 辨識學術寫作的特點,並應用其知識將觀點組織成具邏輯和連貫性的文本 2. 熟悉撰寫研究論文的步驟和流程 3. 培養校對和自我編輯的技能 4. 有效地書面和口頭展示自己的研究 5. 熟悉並應用各種AI工具以提升閱讀與寫作質量
  • 課程要求
    1. Students are required to attend all classes. No more than three excused absences are permitted. One free absence is allowed, and each additional absence will result in a 3-point deduction. 2. Active participation in class discussions is required. 3. Writing assignments are carefully scheduled as stages toward the fulfillment of the course’s objectives. Late assignments will not be accepted.
  • 預期每週課後學習時數
    1-4 hours
  • Office Hour

    Please make an appointment via COOL

    *此 Office Hour 需要提前預約
  • 指定閱讀
    • Swales, J. M., & Feak, C. B. (2012). Academic Writing for Graduate Students (3rd ed.). Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. • Gillett, A., Hammond, A., & Martala, M. (2009). Inside Track: Successful Academic Writing. Person Education Limited. • Hamp-Lyons, L., & Heasley, E. (2006). Study Writing. Cambridge University Press. • Powell, Mark. (2002). Presenting in English: How to Give Successful Presentations. Boston, MA: Thomson-Heinle. • Weissberg, R., & Buker, S. (1990). Writing Up Research. London: Prentice Hall.
  • 參考書目
    (1) Selected journal papers (2) In-class supplementary teacher-made materials
  • 評量方式

    3-minute thesis presentation video

    Students will create a presentation video of their own research.


    Participation & Attendance

    Based on students’ participation in class discussions, activities, and COOL, and their attendance.



    Writing Assignments: Three main types of writing assignments will be given in this course: one paragraph (~300 words) and two essays (400~500 words each). The writing assignments will be related to academic writing skills and structures, such as summary, critique, data commentary and SPSE. In one essay assignment, students will be encouraged to integrate the use of SciSpace to enhance their reading and writing performance, while in the other, AI tools will be applied to facilitate the readability of the written work and the visibility of virtual abstracts. Paper Analysis: Students will do moves & steps analysis of research papers in their discipline and compare their findings with students from different disciplines.


    Learning Evaluation Tasks

    Task1: Identifying Features of Academic Writing (40 points) Task 2: Writing Introduction Section (60 points): A topic, a diagram, and a move-and-step flowchart will be provided. Students are required to write a short introduction that includes all the necessary moves and steps, along with side notes of the prompts used and revision commentary. AI tools can be utilized for literature browsing, reading and post-writing editing.

  • 針對學生困難提供學生調整方式






  • 課程進度
    第 1 週Course Overview + Pre-tests
    第 2 週[U1] An approach to Academic writing
    第 3 週[U2] Writing General to Specific Texts
    第 4 週Writing Introduction 3MT Presentation introduction Task 1: Identifying Features of Academic Writing
    第 5 週Writing Introduction Presentation I: key factors Paper Analysis- Introduction
    第 6 週Literature Review: Read Fast and Critically AI Session 1: SciSpace—What, Why, and How HW1: SPSE (Literature Review outlining & drafting)
    第 7 週[U3] Problem, Process, and Solution AI Session 2: SciSpace—Drill & Application SPSE (Essay writing)
    第 8 週SPSE Peer Review + Writing Methods AI Session 3: ChatGPT 4o—Prompts, Self-editing, and Revision Commentary SPSE (Peer reviewing & Self-editing)
    第 9 週[U4] Data Commentary Paper Analysis- Methods
    第 10 週AI Session 4: Data Readability Presentation II: skills & practice
    第 11 週Writing Results Paper Analysis- Results 3MT Presentation 1 (on-site or online) HW2: Data Commentary (Essay writing)
    第 12 週Writing Discussion & Conclusion Paper Analysis- Discussion & Conclusion 3MT Presentation 2 (on-site or online)
    第 13 週Writing Abstract 3MT Presentation 3 (on-site or online) HW3: Abstract (Paragraph writing) & Virtual Abstract Creating
    第 14 週3MT Presentations 4 & 5 (on-site or online)
    第 15 週Review & Introduction Section Writing Practice 3MT Presentation 5 (on-site or online)
    第 16 週Final Task 2: Writing Introduction Section