
113-1 開課
  • 備註
  • 本校選課狀況

  • 課程概述
    This is an intermediate-level course that introduces the basic concepts related to materials characterization. Its goal is to provide the student with the salient features of modern materials characterization and analysis techniques. The utilization, sample requirements, principles, applications, and limitations of each technique will be described in this course. When a specific diagnostic problem related to engineering materials is presented, a vast variety of materials characterization techniques can be employed to solve the problem. It is expected that upon completion of this course, the student will possess the basic ability to carry out sensible selections of methodologies to solve engineering diagnostic problems efficiently.
  • 課程目標
    Syllabus (topics to cover in this course): 1. Basic sciences of characterization techniques 2. Fundamentals on instrumentation – sources and detectors 3. Details of specific characterization techniques * Molecular spectroscopy * Electron microscopy * Scanning probe microscopy * Atomic spectroscopy * Raman spectroscopy * Ion scattering spectroscopy * Mass spectrometry * Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy
  • 課程要求
    Assessments: * Report (10%): There will be one group report-type homework set during the semester. * Mid-Semester Examination (45%): Open book, 3 hours, examination on course materials up to Week 8. * Final Examination (45%): Open book, 3 hours, examination on course materials up to Week 17.
  • 預期每週課後學習時數
  • Office Hour
  • 指定閱讀
  • 參考書目
    1. Your General Physics and General Chemistry textbooks. 2. Nave, C.R. Hyperphysics (online learning website). Department of Physics and Astronomy, Georgia State University, 2018. 3. 江建民主編, 材料分析, 中國材料學學會, 2014年(第二版). 4. Wachtman, J.B. Characterization of Materials. Boston: Butterworth Heinemann, 1993. 5. Brundle, C.R., Evans, C.A., Jr., Wilson, S. and Fitzpatrick L.E. (Editors). Encyclopedia of Materials Characterization – Surfaces, Interfaces, Thin Films. Boston: Butterworth Heinemann, 1992. 6. Fitzpatrick L.E. and Strusser, Y. (Editors). Materials characterization series (five volumes). Boston: Butterworth Heinemann, 1992-1993. 7. Sibilia, J.P. A Guild to Materials Characterization and Chemical Analysis. New York: VCH Publishers, 1988.
  • 評量方式
  • 針對學生困難提供學生調整方式
  • 課程進度