102 83320
- 班次 33
- 3 學分
必修- 李立聖
- 一 10, A, B
2 類加選
修課總人數 30 人
本校 30 人
- 英文授課
- 核心能力與課程規劃關聯圖
- 備註初選不開放。本課程以英語授課。全英培力課程。請詳閱課程大綱。
載入中- 課程概述This course is tailored to meet the needs identified through interviews with NTU faculty and students. It is designed to equip students with the English language skills necessary for success in English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) courses. Throughout the year, students will develop strategies to effectively comprehend and analyze academic texts, both written and spoken. They will also participate in speaking activities that mimic real EMI communication scenarios aimed at improving their communicative competence. Additionally, students will engage in writing exercises that require them to synthesize and integrate information from multiple sources. The course also seeks to build students' confidence, enhance their motivation, and reduce any anxiety associated with learning in an EMI setting. The course draws on a variety of proven foreign language teaching methodologies, including communicative language teaching (CLT), task-based learning (TBL), content-based instruction (CBI), and technology-enhanced language learning (TELL). Note: This course will be conducted entirely in English.
- 課程目標By the end of this yearly course, students will be able to: • Comprehend complex and lengthy texts, recognizing both explicit and implicit meanings. • Communicate effectively in English, deliver well-organized presentations, and highlight key points when synthesizing information. • Summarize and integrate information from different sources and present coherent written arguments. • Approach learning in an EMI setting with increased confidence and motivation and with reduced anxiety.
- 課程要求
- 預期每週課後學習時數
- Office Hour
By appointments only
*此 Office Hour 需要提前預約 - 指定閱讀
- 參考書目• Textbook: Beatty, Ken. (2020). StartUp 7. Pearson Education Inc. • Course Platform: NTUCOOL will serve as the central repository for course materials, required readings, and assignments.
- 評量方式
20% Attendance & Participation
17% Midterm Exam
18% Final Exam
15% Digital Storytelling Project
10% Prepared Speech & Integrated Skills Exercise
5% EMI Activity
5% Shadowing Activity
5% Oral Practice with TA
5% English Proficiency Test
- 針對學生困難提供學生調整方式
- 課程進度
2/17第 1 週 2/17 Overview 2/24第 2 週 2/24 U6L1: Talk about compensation 3/3第 3 週 3/3 U6L2: Gender pay gap Integrated writing training workshop Digital storytelling: Guidelines and practice 3/10第 4 週 3/10 U6L4: Read about a job market trend EMI activity Storyboard_1st draft, script_1st draft 3/17第 5 週 3/17 U7L1: Talk about making a difference EMI activity Story circle report 3/24第 6 週 3/24 U7L3: Discuss the impact of social media EMI activity 3/31第 7 週 3/31 U7L4: Read about environmental solutions EMI activity 4/7第 8 週 4/7 Midterm Exam 4/14第 9 週 4/14 U8L1: Talk about solution to a problem EMI activity 4/21第 10 週 4/21 U8L2: Talk about promotion strategies U8L4: Read about deceptive marketing Digital storytelling: Presentations 4/28第 11 週 4/28 U9L1: Talk about athletic competition Script writing workshop (1) EMI activity 5/5第 12 週 5/5 U9L3: Talk about what a sport is Script writing workshop (2) EMI activity 5/12第 13 週 5/12 U10L1: Talk about a life-changing decision Presentation workshop (1) EMI activity 5/19第 14 週 5/19 U10L3: Discuss life in the past Presentation workshop (2) EMI activity 5/26第 15 週 5/26 U10L5: Write a report English Proficiency Test 6/2第 16 週 6/2 Final Exam