622 U5130
- 3 學分
生物環境系統工程學系 / 生物環境系統工程學研究所
選修- 潘述元
- 搜尋教師開設的課程
生物資源暨農學院 生物環境系統工程學系
- 生工系113室
- 五 6, 7, 8
2 類加選
修課總人數 25 人
本校 25 人
- 中文授課
- 核心能力與課程規劃關聯圖
- 備註
載入中- 課程概述本課程「綠色工程」提供達成永續環境系統所需之科學、科技與工程知識,藉由討論重要且新興之議題,以瞭解綠色科技、綠色產業及綠色經濟與永續環境之關聯性,加速落實我國2050淨零轉型戰略目標;同時,本課程亦涵蓋重要之綠色服務,包括:綠色農業、綠色基礎設施、綠色能源、綠色交通、綠色靜脈產業、及綠色旅遊等。本課程重點包括:落實綠色科學、應用綠色科技與工程、及發展綠色服務。 The course, "Green Engineering", will be aimed at undergraduates and focus on discussing the science, technology and engineering for achieving sustainable environmental systems. We will cover several important, emerging topics related to the development of green technology, green industry and green economy, thereby facilitating the goals of Taiwan 2050 Net-Zero Transformation. This course also covers a wide range of sectors of major concern in the development of green industry, including green agriculture, green infrastructure, green energy, green transportation, green circulation industry, and green tourism. This course covers three parts, namely (1) implementation of green sciences, (2) deployment of green technology and engineering, and (3) development of green services and its challenges.
- 課程目標本課程主要有三個目標:(1) 說明綠色科學概念,以邁向永續環境;(2) 介紹各種不同綠色科技與綠色服務,以實現綠色經濟體系;(3) 瞭解綠色工程於達成永續發展之角色。 The objectives of this course are (1) to provide an overview of green sciences for sustainable environment, (2) to introduce different types of green technologies and services for realizing a green economy, and (3) to understand the roles of green engineering for realizing sustainable development.
- 課程要求
- 預期每週課後學習時數
- Office Hour
- 指定閱讀
- 參考書目A. Giannetti B.F., Almeida C.M.V.B., Agostinho F., and Sevegnani F., 2016. "Environmental Remediation Technologies, Regulations and Safety," Nova Science. B. Chiang P.C. and Pan S.Y., 2017. "Carbon Dioxide Mineralization and Utilization," Springer. C. Vachani S. and Usmani J., 2014. "Adaptation to Climate Change in Asia, " Elgar. D. Davis M and Cornwell D, 2013. "Introduction of Environmental Engineering," 5th edition, Mc Graw Hill.
- 評量方式
35% Mid-term Report
50% Final-Term Report
15% 平時表現
- 針對學生困難提供學生調整方式
- 課程進度
9/8第 1 週 9/8 Introduction: Sustainable Development Goals, Cleaner Production, and a BCG Economy 9/15第 2 週 9/15 Green Economy and Industrial Transformation 9/22第 3 週 9/22 Green Jobs (Employment) and Green Growth with Externalities 9/29第 4 週 9/29 中秋節(放假) 10/6第 5 週 10/6 Policy Innovations for Greener Consumption, Production and Trade 10/13第 6 週 10/13 Sustainable Materials Management / Environmental Management Systems 10/20第 7 週 10/20 Green Circulation: Reduction, Reuse, Recycling, Recovery, Reclamation and Redesign 10/27第 8 週 10/27 Efficiency of Natural Resource Utilization 11/3第 9 週 11/3 Mid-term Report 11/10第 10 週 11/10 Green Manufacturing (Process Intensification & Integration / Process System Engineering) 11/17第 11 週 11/17 Net-Zero Scheme and CO2 Capture, Sequestration and Utilization 11/24第 12 週 11/24 Green Agriculture Services / Green Tourism Services 12/1第 13 週 12/1 Green Energy Services / Green Transportation Services 12/8第 14 週 12/8 Green Infrastructure (Eco-)Services / Green Water Services 12/15第 15 週 12/15 Green Separation for a Circular Economy (Electrochemical Engineering) 12/22第 16 週 12/22 Final-Term Report